Lunar Eclipse December 2011

The last eclipse until 2014… even though we would only see the very end of the eclipse from the UK it was still worth making the effort.

I have pretty good horizons from a spot very close to home so was confident that I’d be able to see the moon almost as soon as she rose.

A Field in Coates

I knew that the moon was going to be rising just East of North East, but my digital compass decided it didn’t like being in a field and was telling me that North East was South :(. So Jamie and I watched the horizon for signs of the moon. After a few minutes Jamie found ice on a puddle more interesting 🙂

This image was taken at 15.53 and according to my estimate from Starry night the moon is only 5′ above the horizon!

In this one a maybe 30 seconds later the moon is a little higher at around 9′ altitude.

In this one a maybe a minute later at 15.54 the moon is a little higher at around 13′ altitude.

All in all I was quite chuffed to capture the moon this low!

I captured 102 (keepers) images in the 13 minutes before the moon went behind the clouds, but I made an animation – a little jumpy to start with, but smoother towards the end.

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